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201 King St, London, ON N6A 1C9

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  • Mon – Fri 9:00am – 9:00 pm
  • Saturday 9:00am – 9:00 pm
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Snapchat is a social media platform that was launched in 2011 that allows users to send and receive quick, fleeting photos, videos, and conversations that disappear after a limited period of time, typically only a few seconds. Also available on Snapchat are interactive tools like Snap Maps, which shows you where your friends are, Stories, which stay on your profile for a day, Bitmoji avatars, and a Discovery tab for finding new content.
Businesses have the opportunity to communicate with customers in real-time while they are out and about thanks to Snapchat. It excels at creating captivating, interactive narratives and regional advertising.

Why Snapchat is important for businesses?

Many marketers claim that Snapchat draws a younger audience. Given that 75% of Snapchat users are under the age of 34 and 90% of monthly users globally are between the ages of 13 and 24, the statement is somewhat accurate.
Given its wide viewership, Snapchat is a new marketing platform worth exploring, especially for brands looking to connect with younger consumers.
Using social media to engage audiences might be challenging when you want to reach only those in the targeted area. The fact that Snapchat provides a range of options to target local demographics is one of its main advantages.
People that are using the social media platform inside your designated location (Geofence), also known as your geofence, can view and use your custom Geofilters, also known as Community Filters, in their own posts.
The Our Story feature, a public collection of content from people around the community, is another way to gain local visibility. These stories are frequently themed or classified, allowing your company the option to promote a nearby event or offer your opinion on a hot issue.
Businesses that are up against a lot of competition may find it difficult to stand out from the social media noise. Your main rivals could have established profiles and greater followings on other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.
But do they do as well on Snapchat? Do they even exist? perhaps not
Your company has the opportunity to break new ground and attract the interest of a big untapped market.
Potential followers will notice postings with timestamps when they visit your account on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Everyone will notice if you haven’t written in a while, and any inactivity may drive visitors away.
Conversely, postings on Snapchat are transient. This means that when individuals visit your account to follow you, they are not met with a stale grid or newsfeed. They can just connect with you and wait for your next post instead.

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